-part 1-
my ebby bao bei soon gonna leave Kuantan and move to KL starts her new life D;
i know im not qualified to ask her stay
everyone got their own choice and freedom
she wants to chase her dreams
of course it's good for her to let her try something new :')
i'll support you baobei ♥
i'll miss you alot here too D; ♥
she'll leave here on next tuesday..
im in school D;
before she leaves..
we hung out on 09th april 2011 :)
before go out..
i made these at home :) ♥
bye bye D;
it almost same style as the bday card she gave me last year :) ♥
hehehe x)

:') ♥

this lil girl,heart,word ''heart'' and ''love'' was cut down from the kokokrunch box x)
she loves ultraman and patrick xD
whatever stupid things..
she'll love it xD

hope you'll like it baobei :) ♥
let's go let's go :D
go ''ching bou leong'' :D
our favourite ~ curry xp
yum yum ♥
ebby baobei cakap nak pergi kacau Evan hahaha XD
feel sympathy to evan sigh XD
she noticed i was taking her photos ! XD

she was laughing there ! hahahaha XD
-evan's house-
evan moved to new house already x)
1st time visit her new house x)
ebby so qian da XD
she wanna make jacob chase her then run run run..
she accidentally bumped the sofa !
hahahaha.. XD
see what ebby did to her !
that's why i said i feel sympathy to her :x
i still remember ebby said : '' 你的头很平咯 '' *with laughter
hahahahaha XD
balanced LOL XD
awww..it's hyperactive toy poodle which named JACOB :D ♥
then that chee bean came down :x
*didn't take his photos grrr :s
he gave me this ;p

it's kiwiberry xp
nice ! ♥
this is jacob's toy..
what face is that sausage showing == LOL
rosti x) chef : chee bean XD
before this...
i did something very very very.....
feel so embarrassed laa :s
i thought chee was cooking inside the kitchen..
so wanna scared him XD
there's a door and it was closed..
then i went to the door..
opened the door and ''HAAAAA'' i shouted *not very loud only
he was a lil bit frightened...by me :s
closed the door back..
and go to ebby there..
she laughs and laughs :s
i've no more image for chee's father :s
stop this topic =x=
let's continue about the rosti xp
see this lil esurient jacob :D
stay more a while..
it's time to leave and go yamcha with yvo dear :)
byebye evan
byebye chee
byebye jacob
byebye u...n...c...l...e... :s
*when i said goodbye is not like above shown and didn't follow the order above
*well it's too late to let me continue part 2..will be continue soon :)
my ebby bao bei soon gonna leave Kuantan and move to KL starts her new life D;
i know im not qualified to ask her stay
everyone got their own choice and freedom
she wants to chase her dreams
of course it's good for her to let her try something new :')
i'll support you baobei ♥
i'll miss you alot here too D; ♥
she'll leave here on next tuesday..
im in school D;
before she leaves..
we hung out on 09th april 2011 :)
before go out..
i made these at home :) ♥
whatever stupid things..
she'll love it xD
let's go let's go :D
go ''ching bou leong'' :D
our favourite ~ curry xp
yum yum ♥
ebby baobei cakap nak pergi kacau Evan hahaha XD
feel sympathy to evan sigh XD
she noticed i was taking her photos ! XD
she was laughing there ! hahahaha XD
-evan's house-
evan moved to new house already x)
1st time visit her new house x)
ebby so qian da XD
she wanna make jacob chase her then run run run..
she accidentally bumped the sofa !
hahahaha.. XD
see what ebby did to her !
that's why i said i feel sympathy to her :x
i still remember ebby said : '' 你的头很平咯 '' *with laughter
hahahahaha XD
then that chee bean came down :x
*didn't take his photos grrr :s
he gave me this ;p
nice ! ♥
this is jacob's toy..
what face is that sausage showing == LOL
before this...
i did something very very very.....
feel so embarrassed laa :s
i thought chee was cooking inside the kitchen..
so wanna scared him XD
there's a door and it was closed..
then i went to the door..
opened the door and ''HAAAAA'' i shouted *not very loud only
he was a lil bit frightened...by me :s
closed the door back..
and go to ebby there..
she laughs and laughs :s
i've no more image for chee's father :s
stop this topic =x=
let's continue about the rosti xp
stay more a while..
it's time to leave and go yamcha with yvo dear :)
byebye evan
byebye chee
byebye jacob
byebye u...n...c...l...e... :s
*when i said goodbye is not like above shown and didn't follow the order above
*well it's too late to let me continue part 2..will be continue soon :)