03rd may 2011 , day 3
good morning :)
yum yum ♥
one of the activities on the 3rd day was go to SAPI ISLAND :DD
the speed is so so fast !!
wowwww ! xD
the sea water keep splashing on us ! xD
those ''workers'' there come and promote the sea activities such as banana boat those ~
there's ''package'' too hahaha..
will be cheaper if choose package one..
3 games cost RM180
i chose parasailing , fly fish and banana boat :)
*the photos during sea activities i dont have D;
if wanna see you can go and see ''photos of me'' (fb) :)
i dont have photos but i still can tell what was happening :D
that flyfish no matter how tired were my arms..
i was very persist to hold the handle thing !
never give up..
cause afraid of drop into the sea =x=
then banana boat..
as yvo said must fall together..
till now still remember the feeling while dropped into the sea O.O
really feel insecure..
luckily got yvo dear ;) ♥
wow..parasailing ♥
i was flying in the sky ♥
walking on the sea ♥ x)
back to sapi island and have my lunch :D
snorkelling :D
i found a big big blue starfish :D ♥
also few sea urchins ;s
dangerous !
happy hour passed so fast..
it's time to leave sapi island D;
mum urge me to get up D:
lips broke and red D:
stay too long in the sea i think so :x
ohhhh mannnn..
used up 2++ hours to the place no.2 @@
ride a boat to another ''boat''
got ''2nd floor'' and ''3rd floor'' that LOL :x
purpose to stay in this ''boat'' is to survey ''long nose monkey'' and fireflies :x
only sabah has that monkey :x
''long nose monkey'' LOL :x
awwww x) ♥
but if it's darker will be nicer :) ♥
time to dinner and see fireflies ♥
it's too dark for me to take photos of fireflies :s
so there's no photo about fireflies :(
it's time to back hotellll ~
used up 2++hours ~
so damn exhausted~
especially my pity arms D:
sore and pain mannn !
last night yvo dah ''booked'' crabs !!
can't go for supper tonight with them already D:
my last night in sabah just stay in the hotel..
enjoy cornflakes with oat drinks :s
with honeyy and kaiwen ~
then mask ~
set alarm for alert me that's TIME'S UP..
when TIME'S UP..
i keep press snooze :x
eventually i've fell asleep LOL :x
luckily honey came to my room and help me took off heeeeeeeee :)
thanks honey x)
*to view more photos of my sabah trip day 3 you can clicked : -