50 Tips For Better Health -copied from other website-

- Begin your day with a glass of luke warm water.
- Drink at least 8 glasses of water in a day.
- Include at least two vegetables and a fruit type in your diet.
- Eat sprouted beans as snacks at least once in a+ day.
- Eat green vegetables salad before your mid-day meal.
- Eat fresh vegetables.
- Eat just vegetables in the morning at least thrice a week. Let lunch be the first heavy meal of he day.
- Avoid refrigerated or frozen foods. Eat foods hot.
- Eat green vegetables and yellow colored fruits daily.
- Fasting once in a week is good for health. Drink only fresh juices while fasting. Begin with vegetable juice in the morning.
- Replace tea and coffe with fresh juices.
- If possible avoid using soda, coke and health/energy drinks.
- Avoid eating fat fried foods.
- Limit the consumption of ice creams and other baked products.
- Never skip any meals. Even if you are fasting make sure you drink juices to compensate the energy loss.
- Select food items rich in fiber content.
- Moderate the intake of sugar and salt.
- Wash the vegetables well in running cold water before cutting.
- Steam or cook the vegetables.
- Cook the vegetables like cucumber, potatoes and tomatoes with their skin intact.
- Calculate the amount of fat in your food.
- Eat your food slowly and enjoy them.
- Prepare each dish and enjoy the taste while eating.
- Learn to calculate the nutrient content in your food.
- Select good and fresh vegetables.
- Control your moods in order to control the food intake. While in depression it is normal to develop a passion for sweets or chocolates. Substitute this appetite with a fresh fruit juice.
- Avoid chips or snacks while watching. You may eat popcorn instead.
- While eating concentrate only on food.
- Try to eat along with your family.
- Stop when you feel your stomach filled.
- Avoid smoking cigarette.
- Control alcohol consumption.
- Learn to sleep well.
- Select an exercise model that suits you and starting training. If you like practise yoga daily.
- Walk for at least 20 minutes daily.
- Involve yourself in at least 10 minutes of stretching exercises.
- In the office avoid lifts and prefer stairs.
- Meditate for at least 10 minutes a day.
- Stay calm while concentrating on your breath. Breathe in and out slowly.
- Relax all your muscles.
- Find and allocate time for prayer.
- Laugh is a medicine for good health. Find some time for fun.
- Rejuvenate all your inner senses and try to savour as much energy as you can.
- Balance your work and fun time.
- Find time to spend with your children.
- Meet your friends and find time to travel.
- Listen to some music during the day.
- Share the details of your illness ( if any ) with your family. Participate them in your program to reduce cholesterol.
- Read books that are informative in contents.
- Understand that you have the ability to select the changes in your life and believe you can do it.