i didn't cry (大哭) for long time..
but today..
i did..
5.xxpm yvo dear say she'll fetch me back later..
no need daddy come studio fetch me lor..
then i fast sms to my brother..
ask him no need to fetch me..
he knew that im having children class..
i won't see my message !!
why he still reply me that ?!
class dismissed..
one of my kids told me that my car is here..
what ?!
my car is here ?!
how come.. ??
look my message..
damn !!
'' u tell daddy lar..fast fast ''
how could he so irresponsible ?!
i called him and scold..
really really behsong about that !!
say till half i straight kap the call..
in bad mood !!
go into car and tell my dad..
what the.. ?!
i kena scold ?!
because of i scared you're busy-ing or didn't see the message from me..
so i chose to tell him !!
and he's the one who go fetch you back home isn't it ?!
tears dropping dropping dropping..
then he cool down and say what he sent to me..
i showed it to him..
reached home..
1st thing to do is what ?
scold !!
my dad scold too..
i know my brother also having hard feeling too..
but why don't he tell dad..
then won't happen THIS war !!
ma fan dad drove to there purposely..
i thought that after you fetch him back from work then fetch me ?!
how i know he back on 3.xxpm ?!
and you say your hp expired to dad..
why morning still can sms ?!
i really don't know..
and my dad is the one who likes to repeat the same thing..
that'll make people behsong..
i really no mood..
i know my brother also no mood..
but i really angry about that..
go into my room..
actually why should i cry ?!
i also don't know why i want to cry.. ==''
stupid !!
but just want to.. ==''
when im crying..
im thinking also..
who's the wrong one ?
if me..i'll say him..
if he..he'll say me..
blame who also unfair..
why should i cry..
and a lot
shit !!
is having a headache again.. ( from morning already having it.. )
i stepped out from my room and tell my dad im headache don't want go ahgong's house eat..
then go back..
stupid me ==''
i cry until like this !!

i didn't cry till like THIS for long time !! ==''
SHIT ==''
also don't know why i want to cry ==''
damn damn damn...
dad ask me cook noodles eat..
then they go out ler..
stepped out from my room and step into bathroom..
after bath..
sit on my bed..
my thumb toe is having a love ==''

LOL !!
still got mood take photos ==''
cook my dinner..
they're back ==''
so fast 1 ?!
i thought they went to the new house..
but they went to the old house..
took back soup and rice + fish + chicken + vege for me..
i've fried 2 eggs and cooked 10 lil hot dogs neh ==''
wasted the rice..
taking my dinner at living room..
watching tv with dad..
brother came out and keeping his laptop..
ishhhh !!
dad say many again !!!!
brother sure behsong liao ==''
then he say something make me behsong too !!
scold back !!
what a sad sunday !!!
*anyone who had read this maybe will think that just a lil thing why want make till like that.. but..i also don't know how to say..nevermind..want how think then think barh..anything just ask me..
i'll say sorry later ==''
but have to wait until his mood cooler 1st ==''
i'll say sorry is not because of it's all my fault..
is because i think that not only him did wrong..
when im in bad mood..
will think to the other side..
or did something wrong and think that's not my fault..
but after i cool down myself..
then will think back of it..
then regret..
i shouldn't be like this always...
i must change it !!