photoshooting today :)
yvo gonna married XD
want call her aunty 表姐 liao :x
just kidding XD
if i call her aunty sure let her hit TxT
haha :P
10.xxam go Queenna..
yvo brought me there..
hendry gor gor as '' driver '' :x
before make up..
take a photo on car 1st :x
look belum awake ==''
make up...
curled my hair @@''
look so mature ><''
but nice also lar :)
mature hor ? ==''
i wanna look younger lar wey !! ==''
LOL !!
don't know what time my ebby dear is here :)
she make up here too :)
this the photo copy from her blog..
paiseh ya ebby..
because i didn't take dao that scene :x

she's my 大表姐 :D ♥
after that..
don't know what time again..
i go the studio with yvo and hendry gor gor 1st..
on the way to the studio sure must take phots geh :x
lol..kissing the air again =='' ♥
wow..this non edited !! is the sun effect :D ♥
the studio opposite tea time..
i forgotten what name already ><''
i like the studio :)
but i didn't take photos ==''
i became 阿四 ==''
nevermind lar..
help my 表姐 mar :)
while yvo and hendry photoshooting..
yvo lend me her camera 38 38 too XD
lalalas ~
some words from someone make me so hurt..
i know i shouldn't be like that..
i know i can't always be a little girl..
i know i have to learn and grow..
but it's still hurt lar :(
i just came earlier and wait for 3.xxam geh photoshooting jek..
why want say till like that wor.. :'(
you're not me..
so maybe you won't and never understand my feelings.. < /3
i silent..
sit down on a chair..
and turn my body to the other side..
the lil water gonna drop out..
i controlled myself !!
ohno !!
can't hold it..
fast walk to the balcony ( indoor ) there..
on the way took a tissue beside the TV..
sit down and look outside through the black window..
london bridge is falling down..falling down..falling down...
suddenly i heard a voice..
i think is ah loh..
he ask me isit angry jor and ask me zomok..
but i just keep shaking my head..
the others ask him..
he say don't know..
i use yvo's camera take those 非主流 photos..
ah loh come through again and show me my photos @@''
偷拍 !! ><''
and he also ask want lend me his camera mou :)
but i rejected..
cause too expensive ==''
if i spoiled it..
how i pay ==''
i know he's tam-ing me..
maybe he's a father..
so maybe he'll know..
thanks :)
a lot of phone call to yvo's hp..
but i answered it..
all of them ask the same question..
where's the studio ??
me went down many times and explained many times.. ><''
my hair is not that curly already neh ><''
maybe i combed it ==''
aiyaya :x
while yvo and her '' ji mui '' photoshooting..
while pcyd family are waiting for keanyew..
we take some photos :PP
ebby dear..
copy from yours again yar XD
these are before changing :)
that doggy is hida :D
fat fat liao :P
is time to change..
go back back there change..
near toilet there..
since ebby dear is in toilet..
so i have to change outside @@''
WOW !!
yeepin suddenly came in !!
luckily i changed ==''
phew ~
after changing :)
LC-ing :x
hahaha.. :x
copy the model's pose :x
so fat lar me TxT
family photo :)
yvo,cindy and keanyew is not inside :(
so not counted as 完完整整的全家福 :(
me and ebby dear geh legs ==''
that high heels borrowed from cindy geh..
quite hard to wear it lar damn ==''
hehes ♥
ah then then then..
the photographers haven't send to yvo yet :(
so i can't get it yet T^T
next time after i get it i'll upload okay ? :)
finished the photoshooting on 5.xxpm :)